Thursday, February 25, 2016

post 12

The theme of my life  is a Christian based theme. I love the God and I love to go to church. I love praising and worshiping God. Giving my life over to God was he best decision I have ever made. I would encourage you to give your life over to him, because to me there is no other way to live than to be in the arms of God. Now I'm not saying your not going to have trials and tribulations because you are, Jesus had trials and tribulations and was tested a many of times, but when those trials and tribulations came you can pray and give them to God and have faith and trust that he will do it. By you having those trials it only increasing your faith and your trust level in him, why because you have no other choice but to give the situation to him. I absolutely love being a  Holy Ghosted filled eighteen year old young lady.

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