Thursday, February 25, 2016

post 12

The theme of my life  is a Christian based theme. I love the God and I love to go to church. I love praising and worshiping God. Giving my life over to God was he best decision I have ever made. I would encourage you to give your life over to him, because to me there is no other way to live than to be in the arms of God. Now I'm not saying your not going to have trials and tribulations because you are, Jesus had trials and tribulations and was tested a many of times, but when those trials and tribulations came you can pray and give them to God and have faith and trust that he will do it. By you having those trials it only increasing your faith and your trust level in him, why because you have no other choice but to give the situation to him. I absolutely love being a  Holy Ghosted filled eighteen year old young lady.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Post 11

My favorite movie is war room and the theme of that movie is a christian based movie, and also the theme is also about your faith and trust level in God.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

post 10 Colleagues Responses

"Something that we wear  everyday and what does it symbolize. Something that I wear almost everyday is Nike. Nike is an athletic brand and they make stuff from jackets, shirts, cloths, shoes and even book bags." 
   " Something I wear that symbolizes me is one of my Tattoos that say "God is above the highs and the lows." That tattoo means a lot to me because it is something that I always can look at, that is always on me permanently as a constant reminder of when things in my life are not going so good, my tattoo reminds me that God is above all of those obstacles in my life that I my face. I got this tattooed on me for a reason as a permanent reminder that God will always be greater than those good things in my life and the bad." My colleagues did some great things concerning symbolism.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Something I wear Or Carry And What It symbolizes Post 9

Something I wear mostly all the time is a gold necklace that my mother and God-Mother brought me, and on the necklace it has the letter "A" and a basketball. To me that symbolizes their love and their compassion and care for me because they both know I love any type of jewelry and they know I love basketball.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

post 8

One of the stories that I read this week was "In A Soldiers Home" This story is taken place in Oklahoma, and the main character name is Kerbs. Kerbs has come home from the war and the war has changed him a lot. He just doesn't have the same fire in his eye and energy level to do anything anymore like he did before he went to the war. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

post 7

The setting in a soldiers home was in Oklahoma. The story was about a guy named Krebs who went to war and was completely different when he returned back from war.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post 6

"Karen Van Der Zee wrote the short story "From A Secret Sorrow". Karen is famous for her renown literature and her romantic stories. What inspired Karen to write this story is that she wanted to touch people with something romantic with a twist to it and she wanted to tell a story which could happen in real life. This is just one of many of Karen stories that she has written." this is a really great story, great job ryan phillips.

 William Faulkner's life did not affect the story A Rose for Emily. His life was different from the way Emily's life was. He had a parent in his life to raise him until he was ready to leave. He had a chance to be social growing up. That is something Emily did not have. great job jasmine you really told us how the author relates to the story. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

post #5 How The Author's Life Of My Doc1 Story/Poem Affects The Story Or Poem

The author's life in my document one story affects the story or poem in a many of ways. The author of the three girls is a female so  in the story she writes about three girls, so she knows how us girls or young women tend to think because shes been there an experienced  the ways we think and the way we act when certain things happen.