Saturday, April 23, 2016

post 24

"The role for women to today modern day life? Women are the back bone in today's house hole. The women cook, clean, make sure everyone is okay, and is the women is happy everyone is happy. Without women the would wouldn't spin round. Today women have the same power as men." "The role of women in modern family life is to help provide for the children along with the father. The woman cooks and cleans the house. She also works and does everyone's laundry. The woman has her own responsibilities as well outside of the family."

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

post 23 the role of women.

The role of  women in the modern family life is to cook, clean, and make sure the house is neat and tidy. She can also work and still maintain her duties at her home, even though it make get hard modern women in this day and time are strong even to handle it. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

post 22 the plot of my favorite movie.

the plot a my favorite movie war room is based and centered around prayer and having faith beyond measure.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

post 21 My Favorite Tv Show

My favorite Tv show would have to be family feud hosted by Steve Harvey. The setting of the show is an audience watching and cheering  and being excited about the families going head to head about the questions being asked to them.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

post 20

poetry can be used as a metaphor in so many ways because it describes and compares to things to one another without using like or as.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

post 18

"Images can mean different things because what you thought something meant might not mean the same thing to someone else. The language that we use can play a huge part in the way that people understand what we are trying to say. A new reader of a poem might think the story means something totally different from what a older reader thinks. In the poem a lesson from history by Joseph Morris one reader might agree that the first line is true but another reader might disagree that once you have done something their life becomes easier. "The definition of image is language that addresses the senses. We use images to describe different things and to catch you audience attention. They provide verbal pictures of the poet's encounters real or imagined with the world."

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Post 17

"An image is language that addresses the senses." Images can mean so many different things. I believe it really depends on the viewer of the image, because each individual person is different and we interpret things differently.

Friday, March 18, 2016

post 16

"Most people know myths from books and stories that they have read. You usually see them there because the author is trying to enhance the audience imagination and try to have them to think outside of the box. "In this context myth is not to be understood simply as referring to stories about imaginary gods who perform astonishing feats in the causes of love, jealousy, or hatred (2042)."  "The poem I chose was The death of the Ball Turrett Gunner by Randall Jarrell. This poem has many mythological elements such as the mother and her child being in a ball Turret which places them in extreme danger. The first line in the poem states that he emerged from his mothers sleep (pg. 805). As a child he was comforted , warm and had security. (Pg. 805)" 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

post 15

"Mythological approaches to literature attempt to identify what in a work creates deep universal responses in readers. Whereas psychological critics interpret the symbolic meanings of characters and actions in order to fully understand the unconscious dimensions of an author's mind, a character's motivation, or a readers response, mythological critics interpret the hopes, fears, and expectations of entire cultures."

Thursday, March 3, 2016

post 14

"The theme of your favorite song lyric or favorite poem? My favored song lyric is from Kevin Gated "I don't get tired". The lyric is "get it get fly, I got six jobs I don't get tired". I like that lyric because it just brings a lot of energy and passion. It means that I don't get tired and doing what I do in life. This is a great workout song and gets you motivated to do anything that you put your mind to".  "The poem I chose was Touched by an Angel by Maya Angelou. The theme of this poem is that love is a very sacred thing and it is also religious. To be loved you must go through many struggles in life. Love should always be worshiped even though it is hard".

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

post 13

I really don't have a favorite song but if I would  have to choose I would choose the song "Fill Me Up" by Tasha Cobbs. The theme of the song is the renewing of your spirit in every aspect possible. Wanting and Asking God to Fill You Up because we all need more of his spirit.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

post 12

The theme of my life  is a Christian based theme. I love the God and I love to go to church. I love praising and worshiping God. Giving my life over to God was he best decision I have ever made. I would encourage you to give your life over to him, because to me there is no other way to live than to be in the arms of God. Now I'm not saying your not going to have trials and tribulations because you are, Jesus had trials and tribulations and was tested a many of times, but when those trials and tribulations came you can pray and give them to God and have faith and trust that he will do it. By you having those trials it only increasing your faith and your trust level in him, why because you have no other choice but to give the situation to him. I absolutely love being a  Holy Ghosted filled eighteen year old young lady.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Post 11

My favorite movie is war room and the theme of that movie is a christian based movie, and also the theme is also about your faith and trust level in God.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

post 10 Colleagues Responses

"Something that we wear  everyday and what does it symbolize. Something that I wear almost everyday is Nike. Nike is an athletic brand and they make stuff from jackets, shirts, cloths, shoes and even book bags." 
   " Something I wear that symbolizes me is one of my Tattoos that say "God is above the highs and the lows." That tattoo means a lot to me because it is something that I always can look at, that is always on me permanently as a constant reminder of when things in my life are not going so good, my tattoo reminds me that God is above all of those obstacles in my life that I my face. I got this tattooed on me for a reason as a permanent reminder that God will always be greater than those good things in my life and the bad." My colleagues did some great things concerning symbolism.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Something I wear Or Carry And What It symbolizes Post 9

Something I wear mostly all the time is a gold necklace that my mother and God-Mother brought me, and on the necklace it has the letter "A" and a basketball. To me that symbolizes their love and their compassion and care for me because they both know I love any type of jewelry and they know I love basketball.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

post 8

One of the stories that I read this week was "In A Soldiers Home" This story is taken place in Oklahoma, and the main character name is Kerbs. Kerbs has come home from the war and the war has changed him a lot. He just doesn't have the same fire in his eye and energy level to do anything anymore like he did before he went to the war. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

post 7

The setting in a soldiers home was in Oklahoma. The story was about a guy named Krebs who went to war and was completely different when he returned back from war.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post 6

"Karen Van Der Zee wrote the short story "From A Secret Sorrow". Karen is famous for her renown literature and her romantic stories. What inspired Karen to write this story is that she wanted to touch people with something romantic with a twist to it and she wanted to tell a story which could happen in real life. This is just one of many of Karen stories that she has written." this is a really great story, great job ryan phillips.

 William Faulkner's life did not affect the story A Rose for Emily. His life was different from the way Emily's life was. He had a parent in his life to raise him until he was ready to leave. He had a chance to be social growing up. That is something Emily did not have. great job jasmine you really told us how the author relates to the story. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

post #5 How The Author's Life Of My Doc1 Story/Poem Affects The Story Or Poem

The author's life in my document one story affects the story or poem in a many of ways. The author of the three girls is a female so  in the story she writes about three girls, so she knows how us girls or young women tend to think because shes been there an experienced  the ways we think and the way we act when certain things happen.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Post 4 What two of My Classmates learned about their story for Doc 1

"What I've learned From a Secret Sorrow? I have learned from the book is to love yourself and to be true to yourself. In the story there was a young lover named Faye. She had a secret that she has been keeping from her boyfriend Kai. Kai really loved her and he wanted her to marry him but Faye kept on saying no because she was scared to tell him that she was not able to have children. She felt as if she told him he would not except her and he would change his mind about marrying her. But it turned out to be the Kai didn't really mind that she could not have kids he just wants to be with her forever". " A rose for Emily. This story talks about a woman named Emily Grierson. She lives in a house that is pretty much run down it no longer looks the way that it did years ago. While alive her taxes got remitted due to her father not paying money to the town, she refuses to pay the taxes because she knows that she does not owe anything. Colonel Sartoris otherwise known as the mayor tries to force her to pay but she kicks them out of her house. This story has five sections but this is just a summary of the first section." 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Post 3 What I've learned about My story

The story I read and learned about is called "Three Girls" the author is Joyce Carol Oates. There were two  girls who loved books and were poets and worked in a strand. One girl spotted  an unknown visitor that she wasn't aware of, so she went and got the other girl  to go sneak and find out who it was and when they both  found out who she was they were both very shocked it was Marilyn Monroe by herself alone. Marilyn purchased about five or six books and after that the girls couldn't resist they had to follow Marilyn Monroe.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Post #2 My Favorite Choice Of Story for Document 1

My favorite choice of story for Document 1 would be our most eventful thing that has happened in our lives. The reason I say that is because that's a pretty good starting ground and its a real easy topic to write on and everyone is familiar with that topic and knows exactly what to write about.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post 1 My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie of all time is war room. War room is a movie about a married couple on the verge of loosing their marriage and they both feel like giving up and they do not know what to do but the wife met a praying older woman whom she was leasing the older ladies' house. The older lady began to show the wife around the house and the older lady had different areas of her house that she liked the most and she told the wife. well the wife kept going over there to the older ladies' house they exchanged numbers and build a great relationship with  each other and also the older lady taught the wife how to pray to God and how to win her marriage back which was through prayer and spending time with God. The husband was first arrogant and rude and almost stepped out on his wife, but when she begin to pray and give her husband to God, the husband had no other choice but to come back to his wife and say that he was sorry of how the way he had been acting towards her. The couple then began to pray together and let  God lead their marriage. War Room is a great inspirational movie I would recommend all of you watch it. 


hello classmates, My name is Alexus Boles. A little bit about myself is that I am a christian and I truly love God with every breathe in me, because without him I would be nothing right?. Another thing about me is that I'm a very friendly and nice person when you get to know me. I love to spend time with my family and friends and I love to go to church. Im looking forward to this course together with all of you as my fellow classmates.