Thursday, March 31, 2016

post 20

poetry can be used as a metaphor in so many ways because it describes and compares to things to one another without using like or as.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

post 18

"Images can mean different things because what you thought something meant might not mean the same thing to someone else. The language that we use can play a huge part in the way that people understand what we are trying to say. A new reader of a poem might think the story means something totally different from what a older reader thinks. In the poem a lesson from history by Joseph Morris one reader might agree that the first line is true but another reader might disagree that once you have done something their life becomes easier. "The definition of image is language that addresses the senses. We use images to describe different things and to catch you audience attention. They provide verbal pictures of the poet's encounters real or imagined with the world."

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Post 17

"An image is language that addresses the senses." Images can mean so many different things. I believe it really depends on the viewer of the image, because each individual person is different and we interpret things differently.

Friday, March 18, 2016

post 16

"Most people know myths from books and stories that they have read. You usually see them there because the author is trying to enhance the audience imagination and try to have them to think outside of the box. "In this context myth is not to be understood simply as referring to stories about imaginary gods who perform astonishing feats in the causes of love, jealousy, or hatred (2042)."  "The poem I chose was The death of the Ball Turrett Gunner by Randall Jarrell. This poem has many mythological elements such as the mother and her child being in a ball Turret which places them in extreme danger. The first line in the poem states that he emerged from his mothers sleep (pg. 805). As a child he was comforted , warm and had security. (Pg. 805)" 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

post 15

"Mythological approaches to literature attempt to identify what in a work creates deep universal responses in readers. Whereas psychological critics interpret the symbolic meanings of characters and actions in order to fully understand the unconscious dimensions of an author's mind, a character's motivation, or a readers response, mythological critics interpret the hopes, fears, and expectations of entire cultures."

Thursday, March 3, 2016

post 14

"The theme of your favorite song lyric or favorite poem? My favored song lyric is from Kevin Gated "I don't get tired". The lyric is "get it get fly, I got six jobs I don't get tired". I like that lyric because it just brings a lot of energy and passion. It means that I don't get tired and doing what I do in life. This is a great workout song and gets you motivated to do anything that you put your mind to".  "The poem I chose was Touched by an Angel by Maya Angelou. The theme of this poem is that love is a very sacred thing and it is also religious. To be loved you must go through many struggles in life. Love should always be worshiped even though it is hard".

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

post 13

I really don't have a favorite song but if I would  have to choose I would choose the song "Fill Me Up" by Tasha Cobbs. The theme of the song is the renewing of your spirit in every aspect possible. Wanting and Asking God to Fill You Up because we all need more of his spirit.